29.6 Exercises
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How many inversions are there in the array [10, 100, 60, 40, 50]
What is the space complexity of selection sort?
Draw the process of heapsort on the array [5, 9, 2]
, starting with the heapified array and removing the maximum each time.
If we are insertion sorting [5, 6, 7, 1, 8, 9, 2]
, how many total swaps will occur?
Which sort do you expect to run more quickly on a reversed array, selection sort or insertion sort?
Asymptotically, both selection and insertion sort run in on a reverse-sorted array. However, note that selection sort only does total swaps (finding the maximum, then swapping to the front), while insertion sort does on the order of swaps (swapping each item to the front), so insertion sort will actually be slower by a constant factor.