Suppose the equals() method for ColoredNumber is as below, i.e. two ColoredNumbers are equal if they have the same num.
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o instanceof ColoredNumber otherCn) {
return this.num == otherCn.num;
return false;
HashSet Behavior for Checking contains()
Suppose the equals() method for ColoredNumber is on the previous slide, i.e. two ColoredNumbers are equal if they have the same num.
int N = 20;
HashSet<ColoredNumber> hs = new HashSet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < N; i += 1) {
hs.add(new ColoredNumber(i));
Suppose we now check whether 12 is in the hash table.
ColoredNumber twelve = new ColoredNumber(12);
hs.contains(twelve); //returns true
What do we expect to be returned by contains?
We expect the contains call to be true, all 12s are created equal!
Finding an Item Using the Default Hashcode
Suppose we are using the default hash function (uses memory address):
int N = 20;
HashSet<ColoredNumber> hs = new HashSet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < N; i += 1) {
hs.add(new ColoredNumber(i));
ColoredNumber twelve = new ColoredNumber(12);
hs.contains(twelve); // returns ??
which yields the table below:
Suppose equals returns true if two ColoredNumbers have the same num (as we've defined previously).
What is actually returned by contains?
Returns false with probability 5/6ths.
Default hashCode() is based on memory address. equals is based on num.
There are two ColoredNumber objects with num = 12. One of them is in the HashSet and one of them was created by the code above.
Each memory address is random, with only a 1/6th chance they modulo to the same bucket.
Example: If the ColoredNumber object twelve created by the code above is in memory location 6000000, its hashCode % 6 is 0. HashSet looks in bucket zero, and doesn't find 12.
Hard Question: If the default hash code achieves a good spread, why do we even bother to create custom hash functions?
It is necessary to have consistency between equals() and hashCode() for the hash table's operations to function.
Basic rule (also definition of deterministic property of a valid hashcode): If two objects are equal, they must have the same hash code so the hash table can find it.
Duplicate Values
Overriding equals() but Not hashCode()
Suppose we have the same equals() method (comparing num), but we do not override hashCode().