Trees are composed of nodes and edges that connect those nodes.
Constraint: there is only one path between any two nodes.
In some trees, we select a root node which is a node that has no parents.
A tree also has leaves, which are nodes with no children.
In the picture below, the green structures are valid trees, while the pink structure is not (since it has a cycle).
Relating this to the original tree structure we came up with earlier, we can now introduce new constraints to the already existing constraints. This creates more specific types of trees, two examples being Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees.
Binary Trees: in addition to the above requirements, also hold the binary property constraint. That is, each node has either 0, 1, or 2 children.
Binary Search Trees: in addition to all of the above requirements, also hold the property that For every node X in the tree:
Every key in the left subtree is less than X’s key.
Every key in the right subtree is greater than X’s key. **Remember this property!! We will reference it a lot throughout the duration of this module and 61B.
Here is the BST module we'll be using for the rest of this chapter: